Monday, June 10, 2013

Father's Day For Bad Muthas

A few recently in print items I might suggest for the bad mutha you call pop, if you're looking for gifts this week. Don't pussy out this year. Get dad a motherfucking book.

All the Wild Children by Josh Stallings - Badass, big hearted, memnoir.

All the Young Warriors by Anthony Neil Smith - The thriller you won't fucking hate yourself for loving is now in print!
American Death Songs by Jordan Harper - Hardboiled, hardcore crime stories.

Bad Sex On Speed by Jerry Stahl - Hilarious hallucinatory hellscape.

Cold, Quiet Country by Clayton Lindemuth - Lyrical, laconic, lethality.

Donnybrook by Frank Bill - Bruiser heart-disease-land pulp.

Driving Alone by Kevin Lynn Helmick - Haunted, horny, holy crap fever dream.

Fish Bites Cop by David James Keaton - These transgressive, trans-genre transmissions from the immoral majority strike like lightening bolts out of the blue. A satirical miracle.

The Hard Bounce by Todd Robinson - If you're wondering where all the wise-cracking private detectives and sanctimonious psycho-hunters went - I'd check the trunk of Robinson's car for their remains. Big hurt illuminated by dim wit - that's a recommendation, asshole.

Low Down Death Right Easy by J. David Osborne - Cracked back of Oklahoma noir. Chapped, chipped, busted-ass and split-lip -sparse prose that spares none.

Matador by Ray Banks - Once again, Banks strips crime fiction of everything you thought you loved about it, and the result is - you love it more.

Paying For It by Tony Black - Gus Dury has finally arrived in the States - in paperback! - Get dad started on his new favorite PI series, 'cause Gutted is available now too.
Point & Shoot by Duane Swierczynski - The slickest, sickest, technicolor, electric kool-aid acid test of a thrillogy concludes. Sorry, Charlie, nobody can be kill-proof forever.
The Posthumous Man by Jake Hinkson - Somebody's robbed the grave of Jim Thompson, fished in an unsettlingly lucid stream of necromantic diction and slapped the name Hinkson on these books. I want more.

Rake by Scott Phillips - Phillips weaves through the congestion of crime-writing traffic heedless the laws of literary civility comfortable and unapologetic in the assurance that all others must yield him the wrong of way.

The Rapist by Les Edgerton - "reads like congress with the Devil himself - elegantly unsettling and with a hell of an after-taste." Somebody said that.


  1. no FIERCE BITCHES? I was just re-reading the last page yesterday.

  2. seriously. the last page. crushing.

  3. Tony Black is finally invading the States! GUTTED is fun fun fun. Five of these are on my to-read table. Must re-learn to read this summer.(hearing real good things about this POSTHUMOUS MAN. need to check that out)
