Friday, December 3, 2010

Billy Bad Ass

Big congratulations to Heath Lowrance and Jen Myers who won copies of Megan Abbott's Die a Little and Bury Me Deep respectively. Be sure to tune in next week for another giveaway. Dun dun dun dun.

Tomorrow, Scott Phillips and I take off for Fayetteville, Arkansas to see Mr. Tom Franklin. It's funny, the more I mention Fayetteville ties, the more I find people who have them too. Franklin and his wife, the poet Beth Ann Fennelly, Daniel Woodrell and Katie Estill and even Mr. Erik Lundy who's stuff you oughtta know by now, did his time there. The picture accompanying this post is one of Lundy's and was inspired by his time in Arkansas.

Over at Ransom Notes I'm talking about bad guys. Not villains, but protagonists who are criminals, not so much psychos and not interested in redemption. Last night I swear to you I read two Max Allan Collins books cover to cover. His original Quarry titles have been reprinted by Perfect Crime Books and they're a lot of fun. Still waiting for the Quarry movie, Last Lullaby, starring Tom Sizemore, (as a character named Price, but c'mon, it's Quarry), to be available.


  1. That sounds like a good idea -- two Quarry books cover to cover. When I pick those up I will probably attempt to do the same.

  2. The Megan Abbott books are great. The lucky winners will love them.
