Monday, February 28, 2011

Huston We Have Contact

Finally read a Charlie Huston novel. The Mystical Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death was a good start, think I'll go for another soon, but I'm not sure where to start. Not really drawn to the vampire detective thing, but if that's really the shit... I dunno, lemme know. Regardless, feels good to cross a 'meant to read' off the list. Recently added to that list: Zulu by Caryl Ferey, Sick City by Tony O'Neill, Drowning Tuscon by Aaron Michael Morales and Volt by Alan Heathcock. Pretty sure I'm going to really respond to these, but dunno when Ima get around to 'em.

And you know what piles up quick and diminishes too slowly? Electronic reading. I ain't got the hang of that at all. I'm at various points in novels by Scott Phillips, Greg Bardsley, Steve Weddle, Laura Benedict, Tom Piccirilli and William Ingsley that I can only access on my laptop - in other words when I am least likely to be reading - and it's driving me nuts. Especially because they're all really worthwhile reads. I suck.

Speaking of senor Phillips, we're throwing another N@B event next week, Thursday, March 10 at 7pm and that oughtta be right up there at the top of your 'to attend' list 'cause we ain't messing around. We're welcoming back Anthony Neil Smith and claiming the cherries of Kyle Minor and Richard Thomas. Kyle's next books (a novel and a true crime tale both about Haiti) are right at the top of my future TBR pile and I'll put a physical copy of Richard's Transubstantiate in my grubby fingers at the event (check out the excerpt published in Plots With Guns). Mr. Smith's gonna scribble on my laptop to make 'em signed copies of his new e-books Choke on Your Lies and To the Devil My Regards (co-authored with Victor Gischler), but you know what I just said about electronic reading? Yeah, it applies here too. Gonna be a while. Sorry.

BTW - You see over at the Abbott/Gran Medicine Show (that's Megan Abbott and Sara Gran for those of you not yet hip to their uber-cool dual blog) a quick questionnaire for Craig McDonald? Nice. Those ladies got a good thing going over there. Been enjoying the Brian De Palma talk too.

At Ransom Notes, I discuss mixed feelings about Keigo Higashino's The Devotion of Suspect X and give some hints about hooking me as a reader.

Did you see me not even mention the Oscars?


  1. Caught Stealing is a really good one by Huston. Not a single goddamn vampire either.

  2. huston's the shotgun rule and sleepless are both worth a read.

  3. I've tried reading books on my computer, but it just doesn't happen for me. I can read on my Nook with no problem, and even on my goddamn phone (for short stretches at a time), but not the computer. I'm with you, brother. Solid.

  4. I hate vampires and zombies and Bale won the Oscar, so that is all I cared about that show.

    BTW- I got the Lincoln Lawyer and poster. Thanks for that man! I'm really digging the story. First thing of Connelly's I have ever read. He's good!

  5. Read Charlie's Caught Stealing. You'll read it in a few hours.

  6. Thanks for the recs. I do have a copy of Shotgun Rule on my shelf and I'll look out for Caught Stealing for sure.

    Sean- haven't seen The Fighter yet, but it's hard to argue with the talent in that one

    Chris - you read on your phone? Must be one of those sleek wireless models I keep hearing about. My wife and I just watched BURIED about the dude buried alive in Iraq with a cell phone and we were laughing about how we'd both die in that situation because neither of us can operate one.

  7. What, do you want me to read it to you aloud, like a bedtime story? Geez.

    Actually, I thought I would hate the vampire detective thing, too. But I ended up loving it. Especially the first two in the series. After that...well, it was still pretty decent.

  8. Yes. I want you to read it to me and sign my heaving bosoms, Neil. I would pay hardcover price for that...

    BTW - just watched footage from the first N@B last nite featuring you and Mr. Bill... Sandwiched in between adorable footage of the kids... that was fun

  9. Shotgun Rule and the hank thompson books. You'll dig 'em. Sleepless, you won't dig at all, I'm pretty sure. I too struggle with the laptop ebook reading. It sucks. I'm getting a kindle asap.
