Friday, August 31, 2012

Too Good

So, I'm looking over Noir at the Bar Volume 2 proofs and thinking how damned proud I am of this sick collection, when I notice that two of the contributors have been talking behind my back - rather, they've been talking to each other without me around. Thank God they recorded that shit. Go to Noir Nation for to read Cortright McMeel interviewing Benjamin Whitmer - it's good for you. Too good not to. I talked with Cort this week about a possible project that I'd be damned excited to see happen - but that's all I'll say. And, Ben, thanks for this. You're the best.


  1. Nice grab, Jed. It pains me that I still haven't read Pike. My entire circle of writer friends can't say enough good things about it.

  2. Pike is so much the shit you should handle it with toilet paper... and Cort? Cort's publication Murdaland is THE reason I write short fiction... So unbelievably thrilled to have had them both read at N@B and both collected in N@B2 - soon soon soon
