Thursday, September 6, 2012


Thuglit is back in a new format - 99 cents for your eReader. What does that get you? 8 stories from the likes of Johnny Shaw, Jordan Harper, Court Merrigan, Jason Duke, Mike Wilkerson, Terrence McCauley - Plus N@B2 contributors Matthew C. Funk and Hilary Davidson.

Do me a favor and purchase this one - as I'll be snuggling rooming with Big Daddy Thug his own bad self at Bouchercon, and would like him to be in as sweet a humor as possible.

Other shits you might wanna purchase - Blood & Tacos Issue 3 w/ N@B vet Chris La Tray alongside Garnett Elliot, Stephen Mertz, Rob Kroese and, yeah Todd Robinson.

New Pulp Press's latest Ugly Behavior by Steve Rasnic Tem is a very chewy short story collection and my own publisher - those badass motherfuckers at Snubnose Press this week released brannew Nik Korpon (Bar Scars) and Heath Lowrance (City of Heretics).

And can no one stop Roger Smith? He's got another novel out (second of the year after Capture - which followed his novella Ishmael Toffee by only a few months), Only this one's a horror story called Vile Blood released under a pseudonym Max Wilde.

And speaking of novellas - I just got my electronic hands on one by N@B2's Kevin Lynn Helmick called Driving Alone... Between it, Grant Jerkins' The Ninth Step and Escape by Perihan Magden - I think my weekend is spoken for.

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