Friday, September 25, 2015

Noirth Carolina

Looking forward to seeing everybody at Bouchercon. I'm not registered for shit, but I know where the bar is. In fact if you can stagger around the corner on Thursday night, come join me a N@B shindig Eryk Pruitt is throwing and watch me fight Les Edgerton, Eric Beetner, Christa Faust, Thomas Pluck, Eric Beetner, Joe Clifford, Jen Conley, Ed Kurtz, Tom Pitts and Steve Lauden for any spot in the lineup that isn't after Johnny Shaw. Nobody's gonna want that mic - just leave it on the floor and back away. He's one of the best live readers I've never read with, but it appears my streak is ending.

If you've got a copy of Noir at the Bar vol. 2 you bring to get signed - Les and I'll deface your shit gladly and I'm hoping to see St. Louis to Raleigh transplant and N@B alum Shaw Coney at the event too (check your book for the story Dead By Dawn - and Les's story A Streetcar Not Named Desire - which is probably the reason his novel The Genuine Imitation Plastic Kidnapping seemed familiar). 

I've got good news for those of you who can't get to Bouchercon, but are dying to hear me blather. Monday morning (10am EST) I'll be on this here The Crime Scene radio show with senor Pruitt and David Terreniore. We'll be talking southern crime stuffs in order to prepare all the tenderfoots coming to B'con the week after.

Want some more good news? Branfuckingnew motherfucking Scott Wolven motherfuckers! Check out his story Playboy in Playboy (which gives me a swell idea about where to pitch my story Black Tail!) or hey you can read it online at the website. Now it's a weekend. You're welcome.

Oh and check this the hell out - James Patterson was asked to name some of his favorite books and... there're some pretty damn good books on his list - notably The Ice Harvest by Scott Phillips, Cutter and Bone by Newton Thornburg, The Wanderers by Richard Price and Night Dogs by Kent Anderson. It's been a long wait for another from Anderson, but it loooooks like the wait could be over soon. Dennis McMillan (who says Patterson used to buy Rick DeMarinis from him too!) mentioned Green Sun would be coming next year (wait... did he say next year or was that wishful hearing on my part?) Anywho - if you can't wait, Gonzalo Baeza tracked down this link to the first chapter online. Thanks, man.


  1. Hey Tall One--Can't wait to see ya at B-Con! Gonna get nuts up in there!

  2. My wife saw that poster and said "Oh, you're going to see Les? Tell him 'hi' for me."
    Hi, Les.

  3. Which of the hotel bars is this? I have to hunt it down...

  4. N@B is gonna be "right around the corner" from the hotel... Eryk Pruitt has assured me. Be swell to see you there, Kate

  5. Not even around the corner. The Sheraton and Common 414 share a wall.
