Saturday, June 11, 2011

Totally Meshuggah

N@B is tonight!!!! Come see Fred Venturini and his extra limbs! Come hear John Hornor Jacobs and his ridiculous accent! Come smell Frank Bill's favorite passtimes! Come touch Aaron Michael Morales's big hard Tuscon streets! Come taste the beer! Rub elbows with other N@B folks like Scott Phillips, Matt Kindt, Matthew McBride? Malachi Stone? Tim Lane? Daniel O'Shea? Come hang with Rod, Judy, Kelly, Elli, Pearl, Stuart and the gang! Come tip Liam! Come sing happy birthday to Patrick!

Meshuggah Cafe is where to be tonight (6269 Delmar in the U-City Loop) at 7 for all the rowdy that is St. Louis's most dangerous literary event!


Nik Korpon said...

I wish I lived in St Louis. For tonight at least.

jedidiah ayres said...

See you in September?